Money Market Fund

The Genghis Capital Unit Trust Fund is a Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) which was approved by the Kenyan regulator, the Capital Market Authority (CMA), in December 2011. The scheme currently houses the Genghis money market fund: Hela Imara.

This is a conservative risk fund and ideal for clients who have a low-risk appetite. Interest is computed and earned daily and credited to the client’s account monthly for the client’s access. The minimum investment amount and minimum additional top-up are Kshs. 500. The rate, which is published daily, is net of fees (but gross of withholding tax on interest earned). With a growing pool of funds (AUM) and the development of the G-Kuze app, investing in the fund has become not only attractive but easier.

Our Videos
Gencap Hela Imara Money Market Fund - The Basics
Gencap Hela Imara Money Market Fund - The Basics
News Hub Interview: Risks Involved in Money Market Fund Investments
News Hub Interview: Risks Involved in Money Market Fund Investments

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